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Notulae Scientia Biologicae, Issue 1, Volume 13, 2021Abstract
Notulae Scientia Biologicae (, Issue 1, Volume 13, 2021: The papers published in this issue represent interesting novelties in different topics of life science. Among the exciting researches or reviews, we invite readers to find news about: Phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of Saponaria officinalis L.; The Spanish chamomile (Anacyclus pyrethrum) and pyrethrum (Tanacetum cineraiifolium): organic and natural pesticides and treasure of medicinal herbs; Prophylactic effect of the aqueous extract of Pimpinella anisum on the behavior of Wistar rats exposed to mercury; Anti-ulcer property of methanol fraction of Callichilia subsessilis leaf extract in albino rats; Nesting tree selection by scattered heronry birds of drought prone Northern Bankura, West Bengal, India: preference of Phoenix sylvestris near wetland-associated habitats; Explants selection for in vitro propagation of Pachyrhizus erosus L.; Silene thymifolia Sibth. et Sm. (Caryophyllaceae) – A vulnerable species in Romania: Anatomical aspects of vegetative organs.
From Volume 13, Issue 1, 2021, Notulae Scientia Biologicae journal will use article numbers in place of the traditional method of continuous pagination through the volume. This step helps us to maintain a rapid, efficient production process by being able to define pagination as soon as a paper is accepted.
For papers that use article numbers, the page number of full-text articles will start from 1 to the last page and the citation needs only to list the article number. The journal will continue to appear quarterly, as before, with four annual numbers (see Publication Frequency).
Notulae Scientia Biologicae, Issue 1, Volume 13, 2021.

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