About the Journal
- Journal:
- Notulae Scientia Biologicae
- Publisher:
- Society of Land Measurements and Cadastre from Transylvania (SMTCT)
Notulae Scientia Biologicae is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal aimed at disseminating significant research and original papers, critical reviews and short reviews on life sciences and medicine, development of new methodologies that can be of interest to a wide audience of scientists in all areas of biological sciences. The journal encourages authors to frame their research questions and discuss their results in terms of the major questions of biology, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, biotechnology and medicine, thereby maximizing the impact, spreading and value of their research. The papers must be of potential interest to a significant number of scientists and, if specific to a local situation, must be relevant to a wide body of knowledge in life and medical sciences. Articles should make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge or toward a better understanding of existing biological, agricultural and medical concepts. An international Editorial Board advises the journal. The distribution of the material is encouraged with the condition that the authors and the source (Notulae Scientia Biologicae or abbreviated title Not Sci Biol) are mentioned.
Online ISSN 2067-3264
Print ISSN 2067-3205: Between 2009 and 2014, the journal appeared both online and in print. The printed form was made at the Academic Press Publishing House of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca. To reduce costs and environmental impact, the publisher decided to publish the journal only online starting in 2014.
- Radu E. SESTRAS, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM), Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Sorana D. BOLBOACĂ, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Oscar VICENTE, COMAV, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Editors and contributors:
- Information about:
- Policies (Focus and Scope; Peer Review Process; Publication Frequency; Open Access Policy; Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Policy etc.)
- Publication fee: There is no charge for submissions and manuscripts publication
- Submissions (Online Submissions).
- Metrics
- News (June 5, 2024): Notulae Scientia Biologicae in CiteScore rank (Scopus – Elsevier)
- CiteScore 2023 = 1.1 - Q3 (252/398, 36th in Medicine (miscellaneous))
- SJR 2023 = 0.173 - Q4 (Scimago Journals: 85/106 in Horticulture)
- CWTS - IPP 2023 = 0.63 (217/305 in Medicine (miscellaneous))
- CWTS - SNIP 2023 = 0.24 (243/305 in Medicine (miscellaneous))
Journal statistics
- Archiving
- * PKP Preservation Network (PN) provides free preservation services for any OJS journal that meets a few basic criteria
- * LOCKSS is enabled to store and distribute journal content at participating libraries via a LOCKSS Publisher Manifest page
- Journal platform and workflow
- * OJS
- * PKP
- Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.
- Open Access Journal - the journal offers free, immediate, and unrestricted access to peer-reviewed research and scholarly work, due to SMTCT support to increase the visibility, accessibility and reputation of the researchers, regardless of geography and their budgets.
Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
- License:
Abstracted and/or indexed:
- Scopus (New: Cite Score 2023), https://www.scopus.com
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Elton B Stephens COmpany (EBSCO)
- ProQuest
- Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI)
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
- Ulrichs Periodicals Directory
- Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute (VINITI)
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
- British Library Direct (BLD)
- The European Library
- Genamics JournalSeek
- OCLC WorldCat
- Harvard Library
- CrossRef
- Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR)
- Google Scholar
- Scilit
Notulae Scientia Biologicae - metrics
Editors-in-Chief note
Notulae Scientia Biologicae is an open-access journal that offers free, immediate, and unrestricted access to peer-reviewed research and scholarly work, due to SMTCT and SHST support, with the mission assumed to be "to increase the visibility, accessibility, and reputation of the researchers, regardless of geography and their budgets". A remarkable fact is that throughout its publication, Notulae Scientia Biologicae journal attracted and involved many masters and doctoral students (starting with the requirements of word processing and references, etc.), some becoming researchers and scientists trained and educated in the spirit of seriousness and fairness, the diligence of research work, respect for fair and honest conduct, and respect for ethics in research and scientific publications. In addition, the journal has supported and contributed to the scientific development of many young researchers in various life sciences domains around the world, providing them with scientific support and advice through editorial and peer review processes, as well as free publication and wide international visibility in an open access (OA) publishing model.
The editors-in-chief of Notulae Scientia Biologicae thank everyone for their volunteer work and especially express their gratitude to the invited reviewers who accept and work hard for no benefit, only for the benefit of the scientific community and our society, contributing to the reveal and relevance of new knowledge, the improvement of research and education, the formation of new scientific human resources in these areas essential for the progress of humanity, and, finally, for increasing the quality of our lives.