Molecular identification and genetic variation studies in economically important cephalopods at Beypore Fishing Harbour (Kozhikode), South West coast of India
cephalopods; cytochrome c oxidase 1; DNA barcoding; phylogenetic analysisAbstract
Cephalopods are ecologically and economically important marine groups in the world. Biodiversity description is essential for sustainable utilization of natural resources and to characterize biological entities for conservation. DNA barcoding is an effective tool used for identification of organisms at species level and is been widely used for delineate several ambiguity species. In this study, partial sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1) gene with a mean size of 680 bp was amplified by universal primers. Totally 13 individuals of Cephalopods comprising of three species, were barcoded and genetic variation was analysed. The maximum A+T content (67.60%) was recorded in Cistopus indicus and minimum (63.70%) in Sepioteuthis lessoniana. The maximum K2P distance (0.268) was found between the genus Cistopus and Sepioteuthis whereas the minimum distance (0.188) was observed between Uroteuthis and Sepia. The neighbour joining tree revealed three distinct clades represents Loligonidae, Sepiidae and Octopodidae with high boot strap values. However, Sepioteuthis lessoniana is showing a bifurcated branch and it may due to the co-occurring of cryptic species and till date this species is treated as Sepioteuthis lessoniana complex.
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