Vermi degradation of different dietary supplements mediated on the reproduction and metabolic profile of earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae


  • Manikandan ANUSHA Bharathiar University, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Department of Zoology, Coimbatore-641029, Tamil Nadu (IN)
  • Saravanan PREETHEE Bharathiar University, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Department of Zoology, Coimbatore-641029, Tamil Nadu (IN)
  • Kulandaivel SAMINATHAN Bharathiar University, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Department of Chemistry, Coimbatore- 641029, Tamil Nadu (IN)
  • Palanisamy KATHIRESWARI Bharathiar University, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Department of Zoology, Coimbatore-641029, Tamil Nadu (IN)
  • Sundaramoorthy ARUNMETHA KLEF Deemed to be University, Centre for Advanced Energy Studies, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Guntur, Andra Pradesh (IN)



Ficus religiosa, hatching success, Lawsonia inermis, reproductive capability, sperm count, sugarcane bagasse


Earthworm growth and reproduction is influenced by the environmental variables such as temperature, moisture, substrate and nutrient content in vermibed materials. By using different kind of dietary supplements with the conventional vermibed materials raise the development and reproductive potential of the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae. The current study evaluated on particular periods such as 10th, 45th, and 90th day in vermibins with dietary supplements in the ratio of 1:1 the 50% Ficus religiosa leaf litters + 50% cow dung (T1); 50% Lawsonia inermis leaf litters + 50% cow dung (T2); 50% sugarcane bagasse + 50% cow dung (T3) was used and 100% cow dung serves as control (C). Among these vermibins, T3 vermibin treated earthworms had the highest growth, reproduction, highest sperm count in the seminal vesicle, hatching success, and also increased the metabolic profile of earthworms such as protein, carbohydrate, and lipids in tissues and seminal vesicle. Compared to the other nutritional supplements, the present study result revealed that cow dung and sugarcane bagasse together have a significant positive impact on earthworm growth and reproduction. This study emphasized on the enhancement of the reproductive capacity of the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae by incorporating different dietary supplements with the traditional vermicomposting methods. This also helps to analyse the influence of the metabolic profile in the growth and development and even on the reproductive index of the earthworm which is been observed on three different period: 10th, 45th and 90th day of experimentation. In the current research multi output can be ensured by integrating with production of crops, vermicompost, earthworm growth and waste management. This present study also represents that the open dumping of such a huge quantity of dung materials and plant and animal wastes will create environmental pollution and benefits for soil fertility improvement.


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How to Cite

ANUSHA, M., PREETHEE, S., SAMINATHAN, K., KATHIRESWARI, P., & ARUNMETHA, S. (2023). Vermi degradation of different dietary supplements mediated on the reproduction and metabolic profile of earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 15(4), 11638.



Research articles
DOI: 10.55779/nsb15411638