Biological characteristics and mortality in patients with diabetes and COVID-19


  • Nousseiba ABED University of Brothers Mentouri, Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Constantine; University of Brothers Mentouri, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Constantine (DZ)
  • Amina ZIBOUCHE University of Brothers Mentouri, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biochemistry and Biological Cellular and Molecular, Constantine (DZ)
  • Somia MEDJOUDJ University of Brothers Mentouri, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biochemistry and Biological Cellular and Molecular, Constantine (DZ)
  • Sorayad GOUMEIDANE Infectiology Service of Ali Boushaba Public Hospitalier Khenchela (DZ)
  • Leila ROUABAH University of Brothers Mentouri, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Constantine (DZ)



biochemical parameters, COVID-19, diabetes, hyperglycemia, mortality


The objectives of this study were to determine the biological characteristics of diabetic patients who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and to estimate the risk of death in these patients. The study included 285 COVID-19 individuals whose diagnosis was confirmed by PCR and/or on the basis of typical signs and radiological findings (CT). Patients admitted to the Infectiology Service of Ali Boushaba Public Hospitalier Khenchela, during the year 2020. The data was collected from 1 January to 30 June 2021. The average age of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the enumerated population is 62.53 + 16.65 years. A male predominance was noted, with a sex ratio of men to women in the range of 1,29. Old diabetic patients account for 48.80 % of our sample patient. The PCR was positive in 87% of diabetic cases, the oxygen desaturation was 64.7%, and the pulmonary affliction was important or critical in 28.8% and 18.7%, respectively.  A wide range of biological abnormalities was found in diabetic patients, including high CRP in 95.7% of cases, hyperglycemia in 64%, hyperleucocytose in 26.6% of cases, D-dimer elevation in 56% of cases, and hypoprothrombinemia in 21.6% of cases. A high rate of urea and hypo-creatinemia were found in 36.70% and 12% of patients, respectively. As well as high rates of ASAL and ALAT in 28.80% and 26.60% of patients, respectively.  In diabetics a mortality rate of 22.3% was noted. With the exception of glycemia and ALAT, the differences in percentages of these parameters based on the presence of diabetes are statistically insignificant. Furthermore, the diabetic is unrelated to the clinical outcome of the patients. Due to the high number of infections, biological changes, and deaths among diabetics infected with COVID19, it is necessary to consider good care of care of these patients in order to reduce morbidity and mortality rates.


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How to Cite

ABED, N. ., ZIBOUCHE, A. ., MEDJOUDJ, S. ., GOUMEIDANE, S. ., & ROUABAH, L. . (2022). Biological characteristics and mortality in patients with diabetes and COVID-19. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 14(3), 11276.



Research articles
DOI: 10.55779/nsb14311276

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