Viral diseases associated to wild potatoes (Solanum L. section Petota Dumort) and its conservation in Bolivia
disease intensity, gene losses, in situ conservation, plant viruses, wild genotypesAbstract
Different species of wild potatoes are distributed in highlands and inter-Andean valleys of Bolivia. In recent years, potato virus’s incidence has been reported in native and modern varieties of Andean areas of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, which could also affect wild potatoes. The main of the present investigation was to identify potato viruses using DAS ELISA in wild potatoes species, from isolated collection places and intensive potato cultivation places in the Bolivian Andean region. Folioles samples from different wild potato species were collected considering isolated distribution areas and potato cultivation intensity areas. The samples were analysed using DAS ELISA for PRX, PVY, PLRV, APLV and APMoV viruses. The results show that in the high Andean zones and inter-Andean valleys some species are contaminated with PVX, PVY and PLRV viruses and not with APLV and APMoV. In the high Andean areas with intensive potato cultivation S. acaule is contaminated with PVX and S. megistacrolobum with PVY and PLRV; however, in the inter-Andean valley areas with intensive potato cultivation, S. brevicaule is contaminated with PVY and S. berthaultii with PVY and PLRV. In isolated or remote areas S. capsicibaccatum, S. microdontum and Solanum spp. they are not contaminated with any analysed viruses.
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