The effect of environmental conditions on the growth and productivity of lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)
abiotic stress, altitude, nutrient accumulation, polyphenols, soil, wild lingonberryAbstract
The growth and productivity of wild lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) are closely influenced by various environmental factors, including soil composition, climate, light availability, and water levels. This review explores how these conditions and abiotic stress affect lingonberry populations in diverse habitats, from lowland regions to mountainous terrain. Light plays a critical role in flavonoid and anthocyanin synthesis, with solar radiation and photoperiod directly impacting fruit development. Additionally, altitudinal gradients influence the accumulation of polyphenols and vitamin C, while reducing plant height and pollinator activity. Soil types such as cambisols and podzols, often found in subalpine and alpine areas, are favorable for lingonberry growth. Climate factors, particularly winter temperatures and precipitation, significantly affect flowering success, with low temperatures and lack of snow cover negatively impacting fruit production. Forest type and density, including competing vegetation and nutrient availability, further determine the distribution and health of lingonberry populations. This review emphasizes the importance of favorable environmental conditions in promoting the vitality and yield of wild lingonberry, with potential implications for conservation efforts aimed at sustaining its productivity in natural habitats.
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