Ameliorative potentials of n-hexane extract and fractions of Sesamum indicum seeds on hormonal and sperm parameters in cyclophosphamide-induced spermatotoxic male rats
cyclophosphamide, hormonal profile, male infertility, sesame seeds, sperm parametersAbstract
African herbal healers’ use of Sesamum indicum seeds to manage male infertility lacks scientific validation. This study evaluated the ameliorative effect of n-hexane crude extract and n-hexane-acetone and methanol fractions of S. indicum seeds on some biochemical indices relevant to infertility in cyclophosphamide-induced spermatotoxic male rats. Forty-eight albino rats were randomly assigned to eight groups and given different treatment regimens for 28 days. Treatment with S. indicum extract and fractions significantly increased (p<0.05) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone concentrations compared to the untreated group. Furthermore, the sperm count, motility, and viability significantly increased in groups administered S. indicum compared to the untreated group. The total sperm abnormality significantly decreased while the percentage of normal sperm significantly increased in groups administered S. indicum extract and fractions compared to the untreated group. Compared to the untreated group, rats administered S. indicum extract and fraction showed a significant increase in superoxide dismutase and catalase activity and reduced glutathione concentration. A reversal of the distorted histomorphology of the testes caused by cyclophosphamide induction was recorded in animals administered S. indicum extract and fraction as improvement in the seminiferous tubule and mature spermatid density of testes was observed. The observed actions of extracts and fractions were at a par with addyzoa (standard drug). Besides, the infertility reversal effect of S. indicum seed extract and fractions could be anchored to its rich composition in flavonoids and other phenols, validating their folkloric applications.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jacinta C. UKPABI-UGO, Chioma A. ANOSIKE, Obiora C. UGWU, Emmanuel N. UHUO, Sunday OYEDEMI, Prince O. ALAEBO, Emmanuel C. EZEAKO

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