Influence of stubble biodestructor on soil microbiological activity and grain yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)


  • Antonina PANFILOVA Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agricultural Technologies, George Gongadze St., 9, Mykolayiv, 54020 (UA)



after-harvest residues of pea and spring barley, cellulose-destructive microorganisms, stubble biodestructor, the destruction rate, the grain yield of winter wheat


The aim of the work was to improve soil fertility and increase the yield of winter wheat using the stubble biodestructor by activating the microbiological activity of the soil. The experimental studies were on the research field of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University (Ukraine). After harvesting the precursor cultures of spring barley and peas the post-harvest residues of these crops were treated with a stubble biodestructor. After treatment of crop residues of spring barley and pea by the stubble biodestructor in the soil layer of 0 up to 20 cm the quantity of cellulose-destructive microorganisms increased by 27.9·105 up to 36.0·105 cfu/g of soil depending on the predecessor culture and the degree of degradation of these residues increased by 31.4 up to 45.1%. The number of nitrogen fixators in the 0-10 cm soil layer grew under the action of treatment of crop residues of spring barley and peas by stubble biodestructor on 13.4 up to 14.1 ·106 cfu/g of soilor 30.3 up to 35.0%. At the same time, a somewhat large number of bacteria in the soil was determined by the processing of post-harvest residues of peas, which was due to the biological characteristics of this legume culture. The average for years of researches at cultivating of winter wheat after spring barley using the stubble biodestructor the grain yield increased by 0.45 t ha–1, or 20.9%, and after pea it increased by 0.67 t ha–1 or 18.8% compared to the treatment variant of stubble just with water.


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How to Cite

PANFILOVA, A. (2021). Influence of stubble biodestructor on soil microbiological activity and grain yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 13(4), 11035.



Research articles
DOI: 10.15835/nsb13411035