Competition Indices of Safflower and Faba Bean Intercrops as Affected by Fertilizers


  • Mahmoodreza SAEIDI University of Tabriz, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Eco-physiology, Tabriz (IR)
  • Yaghoub RAEI University of Tabriz, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Eco-physiology, Tabriz (IR)
  • Rouhollah AMINI University of Tabriz, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Eco-physiology, Tabriz (IR)
  • Akbar TAGHIZADEH University of Tabriz, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Science, Tabriz (IR)
  • Bahman PASBAN-ESLAM Crop and Horticulture Science Research Department, East Azarbaijan, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Centers, AREEO, Tabriz (IR)
  • Asal ROHI SARALAN University of Tabriz, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Eco-physiology, Tabriz (IR)



biofertilizer, crowding coefficient, intercropping, land equivalent ratio, monetary advantage


Cropping systems of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) with faba bean (Vicia faba L.) under different fertility were compared with sole cropping of each crop during 2015 and 2016 at the Research Farm of Tabriz University in Iran. The treatments were cropping systems (safflower and faba bean sole croppings, intercropping systems of safflower and faba bean with ratios of 1:1 and 2:1), and nutrient levels (100% chemical fertilizers, 60%, 30% chemical + biofertilizers and no fertilizer). A factorial set of treatments based on a randomized complete block design replicated three times was used. Cropping system and fertility effects were significant for yield and yield components of each crop. Yield and yield components were increased with the integrated use of 60% chemical plus biofertilizers for both years, while seed yield was reduced by intercropping. Maximum land equivalent ratio (LER), relative value total (RVT), system productivity index (SPI) and monetary advantage index (MAI) were achieved in nutritive level of 60% chemical plus biofertilizers as intercropped plants in ratio of 1:1 for both years. The total actual yield loss (AYL) values were positive and greater than zero in all mixtures, indicating an advantage from intercropping over sole crops. Intercropped safflower had a higher relative crowding coefficient (RCC) than intercropped faba bean, indicating that safflower was more competitive than faba bean in intercropping systems. From this study, it is inferred that intercropping (safflower and faba bean) with integrated use of the reduced chemical and biofertilizers may give better overall yield and income than sole cropping of each crop species.


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How to Cite

SAEIDI, M., RAEI, Y., AMINI, R., TAGHIZADEH, A., PASBAN-ESLAM, B., & ROHI SARALAN, A. (2019). Competition Indices of Safflower and Faba Bean Intercrops as Affected by Fertilizers. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 11(1), 130–137.



Research articles
DOI: 10.15835/nsb11110340