Anatomical and Physiological Effects of Spent-Engine Oil on Two Varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench. from Malvaceae
germination; growth; heavy metal; nutrient level; yieldAbstract
The effect of different levels of spent engine oil application on germination, survival, growth, leaf anatomy, yield, nutrient content and heavy metals uptake of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus – ‘Clemson’ spineless variety and ‘OLA 3 Local’ variety) was assessed in the present study. Completely randomized design was used with five treatment levels of spent engine oil at 0 ml (control), 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml and 200 ml applied to 5 kg of soil. Data on germination, seedling survival, growth, chlorophyll nutrient and heavy metal content, as well as leaf epidermal features collected from the study were subjected to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) analyses. Spent engine oil at 200 ml per pot significantly (P < 0.05) delayed seed germination for 4 days and reduced germination percentage by approximately 24% compared to the control. Plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll A, B and stomata area were reduced by 21.33-72.89%; number and dry weight of fruits were reduced by 67.4-13.58%. Number of stomata was increased on the adaxial surface by 57.73% and on the abaxial surface by 34.99%. Na, K, Cr, Cd and Fe contents increased by 0.0178-6.2698 mg/kg-1. The present study has shown that plant constituents and anatomy can be influenced by spent oil contamination. Contamination of soil with spent engine oil therefore should be avoided in order to ensure sustainable crop plant productivity and to reduce the risk of heavy metals toxicity for human beings.
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