Analysis of Leaf Yield Components in Fluted Pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) Grown in Derived Savannah Agro-ecology
High yield has become one of the major objectives of breeders and growers over the recent decades. Eighteen accessions of Telfairia occidentalis were studied in a randomized complete block design experiment replicated three times to determine the relationship among selected traits and their contribution to leaf yield. The following yield traits were studied: length of the longest vine (LLV), number of leaves plant-1 (LP), number of leaves per 40 cm of vine length (LVL), number of vines (NOV), length of the central leaflet (LCL), width of the central leaflet (WCL), vine diameter (VD) and leaf yield by weight. The correlation coefficient was estimated and the values partitioned to show the direct and indirect effects to yield using path coefficient analysis. LP showed the highest positive and significant correlation (r=0.72**) with leaf yield. WCL and LP had the highest direct positive effects on leaf yield. The study revealed that increased number of wide leaves plant-1 with long and higher number of branches will increase the leaf yield of T. occidentalis.
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