Estimates of Genotype x Environment Interactions and Heritability of Black Point in Durum Wheat


  • Hasan KILIÇ Southeastern Agricultural Research Institute, Diyarbakir (TR)
  • Abuzer SAĞIR University of Dicle, Faculty of Agriculture, Plant Protection Department, Diyarbakir (TR)
  • Yunus BAYRAM Southeastern Agricultural Research Institute, Diyarbakir (TR)



wheat varieties; black point; environment x genotype interaction; heritability


Experiments were carried out in four different locations with 14 durum wheat genotypes in two successful seasons of 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. Black point disease of genotypes was evaluated by interactions of genotypes and environment as well as heritability (h2). It was found that black point disease affected differently in different locations and growing seasons. This indicates that the genotypes have different adaptation ability for traits studied in different locations. Heritability rate that variance analyzes accepted means squares calculated was found as phenotypic variance rate of genotypic variance was found as 49%. The variance of genotype x location x year was bigger than other variance components. Genotype x year variance was bigger than genotype x location variance too. The heritability of black point disease was founded moderate. In addition to one of the factors on the black point disease genotype also environment x genotype interactions were found effective. According to the evaluation of black point disease, the highest value was obtained from ‘Sorgül’ (2.7%), ‘Dicle-74’ (2.56%) and ‘Gidara-II’ (2.32%) varieties; the least value was obtained from ‘Balcali-2000’ variety (0.64%). Alternaria spp., Phoma sp., Fusarium spp., Helminthosporium spp., and Stemphylium spp., fungi were isolated from the grain affected by black point diseases.


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How to Cite

KILIÇ, H., SAĞIR, A., & BAYRAM, Y. (2009). Estimates of Genotype x Environment Interactions and Heritability of Black Point in Durum Wheat. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 1(1), 92–96.



Research articles
DOI: 10.15835/nsb113447